С чем носить кроссовки balenciaga ( 52 фото)

What to Post on Instagram #3: Share Stock Photography, Animations, and Videos

While stock photography may have had a bad reputation in the past, the times have changed, and using stock photos on Instagram has actually become a big trend!

Now, stock images, videos, animations, and illustrations are a creative, engaging, and easy way to add more content to your Instagram feed, without the extra work.

Once you find the right style, using stock photos on Instagram is a great strategy for building a strong Instagram aesthetic, posting more often, and showcasing your brand’s message.

There are tons of free and paid diverse stock photo websites you can use, like Unsplash, Nappy, TONL, Pexels, and Pixabay.

Most stock photography websites come with “free to use” rights, which means you can post stock photos and videos to your feed outright — no credit needed! But it’s often worth checking the usage rights just in case there are limitations.

When sourcing stock content, try to pick images and videos that best matches your Instagram aesthetic — often you can filter your search by theme like “boho” or “minimalist”, or search for a specific hero color if you have one for your brand.

Also, remember to use stock content sparingly. While we 100% support mixing in some stock content to your feed to enhance it, too much stock imagery can dilute your own personal style and vibe.

If you want to use stock photography in your Instagram strategy, save time, and use Later’s Unsplash Integration!

With Later’s Unsplash Integration you can quickly gather, edit, and schedule high-quality stock photos, without ever having to leave Later, in a matter of clicks to build an eye-catching feed.

Later also helps you give proper credit to the original photographer, so there’s even less to worry about before you schedule and post.

And the good news? It’s free for all Later users! Sign in to the desktop app to start browsing for on-brand stock photos for your business.

Кроссовки модель SPEED trainer

Модель Speed trainer отличается от других кроссовок от Balenciaga,  своим минималистическим дизайном. Они имеют еще одно название, это кроссовки — носки.

Они выполнены из эластичного облегающего материала, в форме носка на гибкой подошве. Такой дизайн предназначался для спортивного стиля, но любители комфорта и внимания сочетают  их с разными вариантами одежды.

Кроссовки Speed trainer благодаря своему  минималистическому  стилю, очень легкие, комфортные и так популярны. Такая модель выпускается в разной цветовой палитре, что дает возможность создавать свой индивидуальный образ.

Так же существует такая модель, в которой носочек выполнен из теплого пушистого  материала. В них вам будет тепло и уютно, даже в прохладное время года.

Смело надевайте платья, юбки и укороченные брюки, чтобы всем продемонстрировать интересный дизайн вашей обуви.

А в сочетании с легинсами и просторным свитером или толстовкой, образ получиться стильным и молодежным.

Модель кроссовок RUNNER

Такие кроссовки идеальны для занятия спортом. Оригинальный дизайн, создает сочетание кожи и замши с неопреном. На верхней части кроссовок расположена декоративная шнуровка, а ниже расположена широкая резинка, она добавляет прекрасную амортизацию в комплекте с трехслойной подошвой.

Разнообразие расцветок дает возможность подобрать нужный вам оттенок. Модель кроссовок Runner выполнены в стильном и аккуратном дизайне, и невероятно комфортны.

Черные кроссовки модели Runner отлично дополнят любой образ.

А именно комплект из юбки цвета фуксии до колен и белой рубашки. Эффектно завершат образ черные кроссовки и сумочка.

Яркие синие кроссовки прекрасно смотрятся с черным коротким платьем, свободного кроя.

Так же зауженные брюки и джинсы в сочетании с пиджаком или свитером отличный вариант для повседневного стиля. По этому комфортным образ сделают серые или черные кроссовки Runnes от Balenciaga.

Бахрома на босоножках

Несколько сезонов назад босоножки с бахромой уже были одним из главных трендов. В 2022 году они вновь станут актуальными

Однако при выборе обуви необходимо обращать внимание на ряд деталей:

  • бахрома выполнена из тонких кусочков материала;
  • украшение свисает вниз, а не стоит колом;
  • помимо бахромы, туфли не содержат иных предметов декора;
  • свисающие декоративные элементы могут быть выполнены из металлических цепей;
  • босоножки имеют каблук — невысокий толстый или среднюю/высокую шпильку. 

Если выбирать вариант обуви с бахромой без каблука, декоративные элементы не будут изящно свисать. Они визуально расширят и утяжелят ногу, сделают ее массивной. 

С какими аксессуарами сочетать босоножки в 2022 году

Современная мода позволяет сочетать в одном образе много необычных аксессуаров, выполненных в разном стиле. Но для сохранения лаконичности образа следует выбирать минималистичные атрибуты «лука». В 2022 году сочетать летние босоножки можно с атрибутами:

  • шляпами;
  • объемными сумками;
  • клатчами на плечо;
  • платками на шею и на голову;
  • крупными браслетами и серьгами;
  • кольцами с натуральными камнями.

В 2022 году стилисты не рекомендуют сочетать много оттенков в одном образе. Лучше отдать предпочтение монохромным «лукам». Аналогичная ситуация касается и цвета металла аксессуаров и обуви. Если на босоножках присутствуют золотые цепи, то иные украшения должны соответствовать этому оттенку. 

Is it legal to repost on Instagram?

While it seems like the internet is a lawless land, where folks share all kinds of content without giving it much thought, the truth is that it is illegal to repost copyright-protected content that you don’t have permission to share.

According to Instagram’s Community Guidelines, you should only share photos and videos that you’ve taken or that you have the right to share. If you do want to share content created by others, always ask permission to repost the photo or video on your Instagram, give proper credit within your caption, and tag the image with their Instagram handle.

You’re probably taking tons of iPhone photos

Getting one perfect Instagram photo can mean taking a dozen of similar shots. Gemini Photos for iPhone will help you find those and keep just the copies you want.

Download on the App Store

Design Hack #5: Add Text, Brush Strokes, GIFs, and Instagram Stickers

Even without any secret design hacks, you can still get super creative with the tools available in the Instagram Stories editor! 

Text, brush strokes, GIFs, and stickers can transform a simple post — making it more engaging and better aligned with your brand.

And you can even create custom Instagram Stories GIFs to add to your stories — making your GIFs even more on-brand. 

At Later, we design custom Instagram Stories GIFs for different events and campaigns, making it really easy to make our stories more branded. 

Looking to level-up your Instagram Stories? Find out how to create custom Instagram Stories GIFs for your brand!

Instagram content idea #40: Pic of your product/service

It might sound obvious, but don’t forget to shout about your amazing product or service from the rooftops every now and again! This could be a UGC (user generated content) reshare of a customer post, or you using your own product.

Now, you’ve got 40 Instagram content ideas to get you started. But, how would it feel to never have to ask yourself ‘what should I post on Instagram’ again? Well, it can be a reality, thanks to our new content prompts in the Plann app! These have been strategically designed to cover all types of post themes, from behind the scenes, building your community, and asking for the sale. We’ve even color coded them against our known top-performing themes so you can see exactly how the strategy was created for you.

We’ll help you tell a well-rounded brand story with 9 prompts for 50+ industries. Once you see them live and in action, the prompts will help you plan out similar content for your future posts. You can learn more about our content prompts here.

How to repost an Instagram post

There are definitely ways to repost photos and videos on Instagram, and as long as you have permission from the post’s original creator, it’s totally fine to do so. None of the reposting methods available are completely straightforward, as Instagram is primarily focused on creating original content, not sharing the content of others.

Here are some ways that we’ve found to repost photos and videos to your Instagram feed or Stories.

How to repost a post on Instagram

Probably the simplest way to repost photos and videos on Instagram is to take a screenshot or make a screen recording of the post you want to share. We already talked about taking a screen recording using the feature in your iPhone’s settings.

To take a screenshot of an Instagram photo, simply navigate to the post you want to share, and hold down the Home and Power buttons at the same time. This will capture whatever is on your screen and save it to your Camera Roll.

After the screenshot is taken, tap on its preview to crop the image and get rid of the Instagram logo, comments, and other distractions. Once you’ve edited the photo, you can repost it to your Instagram feed.

С чем сочетать шлепанцы в вечернем образе — разрываем шаблоны

Если уж кроксы украсили камнями и не побоялись их сочетать с вечерними платьями на подиуме, то почему бы и не использовать этот контраст в жизни? Гармоничный вечерний образ можно создать, если выбрать шлепанцы с соответствующим декором — стразы, перья, камни и другие элементы, которые будут намекать на то, что вы очень готовились к мероприятию, но комфорт для вас превыше всего. А можно выбрать строгие лаконичные однотонные шлепанцы, которые сделают образ не таким помпезным и придадут ему своеобразного шарма. Вы думаете, сочетание вечернее платье+шлепанцы/сандалии/ себе может позволить только Серена Уильямс? Совсем нет!

Вы, конечно, можете возмутиться и сказать, что шлепанцы и вечернее платье — это совершенно разные вещи, из разных областей и про разную историю, но с элегантными украшениями и удачно подобранной сумкой ваш образ получится очень даже элегантным. Никто и не посмеет сказать, что вы заявились на светское мероприятие в пляжном наряде.

Серена Уильямс в вечернем платье и шлепанцах

Вечерний образ со сланцами. Коллекция Michael Kors

Келли Брук в коротком платье и с черными сланцами

Джиджи Хадид в белом облегающем сарафане и шлепанцах

Сланцы и шлепанцы с удовольствием носит модель, актриса и дизайнер из Австралии Эль Макферсон (справа на фото) и актриса Хайди Клум:

Хайди Клум и Эль Макферсон в шлепанцах

Для Эль Макферсон красная дорожка — не повод отказаться от удобных «шлепок»

Эль Макферсон в сланцах

И еще несколько образов — в стиле смарт кэжуал, повседневном и спортивном

Шлепанцы в сочетании с пышной юбкой, джинсовым комбинезоном и с лосинами

Design Hack #2: Copy and Paste a Designed Overlay

Imagine if you could create a totally on-brand Instagram Story slide, and still be able to click through to the original Instagram post. 

Well with this design hack, you can.

Here are just a few examples of this hack in action on the Later Instagram account: 

Here’s how to do it!

Step #1: Take a screenshot of the Instagram post you want to share on your story. 

Step #2: Using an editing app (like Over, StoryBoost, Unfold, Mojo, or Storyluxe) create an Instagram Story design to sit on top of the repost sticker. You may want to use the screenshot of the original post in this design. Once completed, save this design to your Camera Roll.  

Here’s an example of a quick Instagram Story design template from Unfold: 

Step #3: Open the design in your Camera Roll, select the “Share” icon, and tap “Copy”. 

Step #4: Go back into the Instagram app, and follow the steps to share a feed post to your story. 

Step #5: Tap on the story to open a text editor, and then hold down for a second until the “Paste” button pops up. Click “Paste” to import your design. 

Step #6: Move and scale your design to fit the screen (covering the repost sticker) and add extra text or GIFs to really bring the post to life. 

The finished story will still contain a link back to the original feed post — even if it’s hidden from view by the design you’ve pasted over it. 

UGC TIP: Always credit the original poster in your design overlay (especially when it comes to user-generated content) and include text or a GIF to encourage more click-throughs, such as “Tap Here”! 

Looking to get started with using Instagram Stories for your business? Check out our free 45-minute video course on how to design beautiful Instagram Stories that will help you get more followers, traffic, and sales!

Design Hack #1: Use the Brush Tool for a Quick Fix

One of the easiest ways to make your Instagram Stories feel more on brand is by integrating your brand’s color palette — and this little known hack is one of the quickest ways to do it! 

Simply select the brush tool, pick any color (or use the color picker to sample a color from the feed post) and then tap and hold the background for 1-3 seconds. 

This is a great way to quickly make your repost stickers look more uniform and on brand. 

TIP: If your brand colors aren’t readily available in the stories color menu, tap and long-hold any of the default color options at the bottom of the screen to open the color slider.

What to Post on Instagram #1: Share Highlights From Your Community

The next time you’re in a pinch for ideas, consider spotlighting a member of your community — it’s a great way to build trust and affinity with your audience!

What’s really great about this strategy is that your posts can be about anything. From highlighting success stories to sharing inspiring accounts, there’s really no “wrong way” when it comes to community spotlights.

Take the clean and conscious haircare company @briogeo for example.  They encourage their community to share their selfies using the hashtag #Briogeo.

In a way, their digital shoutouts are kind of like “mini case studies.” They use them to highlight their audience while also showcasing the products used.

@wework also often shares digital shoutouts, mini-interviews, and quotes from inspirational members of their community:

These kinds of community spotlights are a great way to build more trust, loyalty, and community with your followers — and they’re super easy to create!

40 things to post on Instagram when you’re feeling stuck

Here are 40 amazing Instagram content ideas you can save for when you’re experiencing a serious case of creative block. Pstttt… Want to skip to the best content idea for you? Here’s a quick list of what to post on Instagram:

  1. A tutorial
  2. Inspire your followers to get outside and get moving
  3. Your favorite holiday
  4. Flaylay what’s in your bag
  5. Your morning routine
  6. What you had for breakfast
  7. Your work-from-home situation
  8. Your outfit
  9. Your flavor of the month
  10. Design a cocktail that your brand would drink
  11. Flowers
  12. Latest apps you’ve found
  13. Something that inspires you
  14. Your DIY projects
  15. Inspiring quote
  16. Your Sunday morning
  17. Sneak peek
  18. Ask a question
  19. Hold an impromptu giveaway
  20. Deconstruct your equipment and design a flatlay
  21. Your cute pets
  22. Post white space
  23. Sunrise or sunset
  24. Find an ‘Instagrammable wall’
  25. Share something you’ve learned recently
  26. Your book recommendation
  27. Real talk
  28. Your go-to coffee (or tea!)
  29. The pizza you ordered just for you
  30. A productivity tip
  31. A bird’s eye view of your shoes or flooring
  32. The interior of your favorite shop
  33. A photo of you
  34. An educational carousel
  35. An IGTV on a topical issue
  36. Post someone who inspires you
  37. Share work in progress
  38. Poll your audience
  39. Client review/testimonial
  40. Pic of your product/service

How to tag someone on Instagram

Whether you’re posting an Instagram post or sharing a Story, you can tag accounts to alert them to your post and help expand your reach. Below, you’ll find instructions for tagging someone in your Instagram posts and Stories.

How do you tag someone on Instagram?

Tagging accounts in your Instagram posts is easy. You can tag up to 20 accounts for each Instagram post. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Upload your post to Instagram like you normally would.
  2. After editing and/or adding filters to your post, you will see an option labeled Tag People under the caption box.
  3. Tap the photo and start typing the name of the account you want to tag. Instagram will help you out by auto-populating suggestions. You can tag up to 20 people using this method.
  4. When you have finished tagging accounts, tap Done.
  5. Tap Share to add the post to your feed. Any accounts that you’ve tagged will be notified.

How to tag someone on Instagram Story

You can also tag people in Instagram Stories. Anyone you tag will be able to share that Story with their own followers. Here’s how to tag an account using the text tool or the @ sticker:

  1. Create your Instagram Story.
  2. When you’re typing text as an overlay, you can tap the Aa icon and simply use the @ symbol to tag someone.
  3. If you want your tag to stand out more than in the above option, tap the sticker icon and choose @mention.
  4. Now start typing the name of the account you want to tag, and Instagram will find it for you.
  5. Tap Your Story at the bottom of the screen to share your Story.
  6. The accounts that you tag will be notified and be able to share your Story.

Can you repost an Instagram post to your Stories?

Yes! Instagram rolled out a feature last year that makes this very easy to do using the native Instagram app. If you find an Instagram photo or video that you want to repost in your

Stories, just do this:

  1. Navigate to the post and tap on the paper airplane icon below the post.
  2. From there, tap on the plus sign to add the post to your Story Editor.

You can customize the post in your Stories making it smaller or larger, adding stickers or text. When you finally share it with your followers, Instagram will automatically tag the post’s original creator.

Can you repost Instagram posts with captions?

The easiest way to repost Instagram posts with captions that you have permission to share is to use a third-party app. The most popular of these is Repost for Instagram, allowing you to repost with just a few taps.

Repost for Instagram adds a small watermark to the corner of the post, providing attribution to the original creator. You should also tag the creator both on the image and in the captions. Once you’ve got the post uploaded in Repost for Instagram, you can copy and paste the original caption to add to your post.

You might also like: Best Instagram apps for a knockout feed

Can you repost your own post on Instagram?

You can definitely repost your own photo or video on Instagram. In fact, this is a great way to repurpose your content. You just need to be careful that you’re not reposting the same photo or video so many times that it gets old to your followers.

You can use the Repost for Instagram app mentioned above, which will tag you in its included watermark. Your alternative option would be to screenshot your photo, crop it in a photo editing app, and repost that way.

Until Instagram embraces sharing content across its platform, you’ll have to get creative with how you do it. The most important things to remember when reposting on Instagram are to always ask permission and to give proper attribution. If you’ve covered your bases legally, Instagram is perfectly happy with you sharing the best content you can find across your feed and your Stories.  

Understanding Instagram Story metrics you should track (and what they mean)

Instagram Stories metrics are split into three categories: Discovery, Navigation, Interactions.

Instagram Story analytics: Discovery metrics

  • Reach: The amount of accounts that saw your story. This figure is an estimate.
  • Impressions: The total number of times your story was viewed (including repeat views).

Why discovery stats matter: People use Instagram to discover brands. And 62% of people surveyed by Facebook say they’re more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Stories.

Compare reach and impression numbers to your follower count to gauge how much of your audience is watching your Stories.

Tip: Add stickers to boost the discoverability of your Stories. When you use a hashtag or location sticker, your story is more likely to appear in Explore or the sticker’s larger story. If you run a small business, use the Support Small Business, Gift Cards, or Food Orders stickers.

Source: Instagram

Instagram Story analytics: Navigation metrics

  • Forward Taps: Number of times someone tapped to the next story.
  • Back Taps: The number of times someone tapped back to see the previous story.
  • Next Story Swipes: The number of times someone swiped to the next story.
  • Exit Story Taps: The number of times someone exited your story.
  • Navigation: The overall total of Back, Forward, Next Story, and Exited actions taken with your story.

Why navigation stats matter: Navigation metrics show you what’s working and what isn’t. If a lot of viewers exit or skip to the next story, it’s a good sign your content isn’t capturing attention. Back taps, on the other hand, suggest your story shared content or info people wanted to see twice. This may also be a good one to save to your Instagram Story highlights.

Tip: Keep Stories short and sweet. People aren’t looking for long-form content here. A 2018 study by Facebook IQ found that Story ads performed best at 2.8 seconds per scene.

Instagram Story analytics: Interactions metrics

  • Profile Visits: The number of times your profile was viewed by someone who viewed your story.
  • Replies: The tally of people who responded to your story.
  • Follows: Number of accounts that followed you after viewing your story.
  • Shares: The number of times your story was shared.
  • Website visits: The number of people who clicked the link in your profile after watching your story.
  • Sticker Taps: The number of taps on the location, hashtag, mention or product stickers in your story.
  • Calls, Texts, Emails, Get Directions: Tallies the number of people who took one of these actions after viewing your story.
  • Product Page Views: Number of views your product pages received via the product tags on your story.
  • Product Page Views per Product Tag: The number of views of a product page for each product tag in your story.
  • Interactions: The total count of actions people took after viewing your story.

Why interaction stats matter: If your goals include engagement or other actions, interaction stats help you measure your success in achieving them. If your goal is to get more followers, compare Profile Visits with Follows. Did you want your story to drive traffic to your website? Website visits will show you how it fared.

Tip: Stick with one, clear call-to-action that aligns with your goals. Emphasize your CTA with branded stickers, or creative that emphasizes it. Facebook data found that highlighting CTAs drives significantly more conversions for 89% of studies tested.

Кожаные ремешки

Босоножки с кожаными тонкими ремешками на щиколотке или на подъеме ступни выглядят очень женственно. Такой дизайн делает ногу более изящной, подчеркивает хрупкость.

Пара обуви будет идеально сочетаться с такой одеждой:

  • короткими или чуть ниже колена платьями из легких тканей;
  • воздушными топами;
  • джинсовыми юбками и шортами до колена;
  • легкими кардиганами.

Не стоит добавлять в образ кожаные куртки, длинные брюки и платья. Эти предметы гардероба утяжелят «лук». Под длинной одеждой дизайн босоножек видно не будет. В этом случае теряется смысл ношения данной модели обуви.

Босоножки с ремешками могут быть как на плоском ходу, так и на каблуке. Его длину и толщину следует выбирать, исходя из личных предпочтений и удобства. 

When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

The best time to post on Instagram (in local time) is 6AM, according to Later’s analysis of 35M global Instagram posts.

The best days to post on Instagram are Saturday and Sunday – with the highest average engagement occurring for posts published on Sunday at 6AM.

On the flipside, posts published on Wednesday between 10AM – 4PM and Thursday 9PM – 11PM receive the lowest engagement rates on average, making them the worst days to post on Instagram.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram Each Day

The best times to post on Instagram per day, according to 35M global Instagram posts, are:

  • Monday: 5AM

  • Tuesday: 6AM

  • Wednesday: 6AM

  • Thursday: 5AM

  • Friday: 6AM

  • Saturday: 6AM

  • Sunday: 6AM

The Worst Time to Post on Instagram Each Day

The worst times to post on Instagram per day, according to 35M global Instagram posts, are:

  • Monday: 2PM

  • Tuesday: 1PM

  • Wednesday: 10AM

  • Thursday: 11PM

  • Friday: 9AM

  • Saturday: 8PM

  • Sunday: 4PM

So… What Does This Tell Us?

As a team, we were quite surprised to see the best times to post were so early in the day. We’ve been studying the best times to post on Instagram since 2018, and this year, we saw a serious shift in the data!

Historically, we believed that posting when your audience was most active was the most effective strategy — and while this does appear to have a positive correlation, it’s not the only factor that impacts engagement.

We know that Instagram’s algorithm takes timeliness into account, but perhaps not as much as it once did. We also know that Instagram recently confirmed that the number of interactions in the first 30 minutes does not determine a post’s ranking in the Home Feed.

So the pressure of having your posts go live the moment your audience is most active has been lifted. Instead, an “early to rise, early to post” engagement strategy came to light.

By posting earlier in the day, accounts benefit from less competition (globally, most posts are shared between 9 AM-1 PM each day), while also tapping into traffic from users during their first scroll of the day — even if that’s a few hours after the post was shared.

By being one of the first to post each day, you’re giving your content the best chance of being seen by your audience, regardless of when they are personally most active on the app.

Instagram itself (and the way we use and interact with content on the app) has changed significantly over the last 12 months, so it’s a good time to adjust your posting strategy.

Schedule your Instagram posts to publish at peak times automatically with Later, for free! No early morning logins required!

The Best Time to Post on Instagram by Location

Another factor that can have an impact on the average best time to post on Instagram is location.

Different regions have different audience behaviors, and can be heavily impacted by time zone overlaps.

For example, New York is 3 hours ahead of California — but accounts based in New York will likely still have followers spread across both regions.

Here are the best times to post in local times across different time zones:

  • US and Canada (Western): 12AM-6AM

  • US and Canada (Central): 6AM-8AM

  • US and Canada (Eastern): 4AM-9AM

  • South America: 4AM

  • UK: 4AM-6AM

  • Europe (Western): 6-8PM

  • Europe (Eastern): 5AM-7AM

  • Africa: 6AM

  • South Asia and Middle East: 3AM

  • East Asia and Southeast Asia: 11PM-4AM

  • Australasia: 11PM – 2AM

While these local times are a good starting point, if you want to get the most engagement, it’s best to find your personalized best times to post based on your unique audience.

By doing this, you can actually hack the algorithm to increase your reach and get more likes and followers!

Looking for more tips on how to hack the elusive Instagram algorithm? Check out our recent blog post: 8 Ways to Cheat the Instagram Algorithm.

Детство и начало карьеры

Кристобаль родился в скромной семье рыбака и швеи. Его отец, Хосе Баленсиага Басурто, умер от кровоизлияния в мозг, когда дизайнеру было 11 лет. Мальчик стал много времени проводить с матерью, Мартиной Эйсагирре, и помогал ей, когда она устроилась на работу швеей, чтобы содержать семью. У Кристобаля были сестра Мария Августина и младший брат Хуан Мартин. 

Семья для Баленсиаги была самым главным, он старался помогать ей на протяжении всей жизни. 

Одна из клиенток его матери, маркиза де Каса Торрес, восхищала Кристобаля своей элегантностью. Он помогал матери распаковывать наряды парижских кутюрье, которые маркиза привозила каждый сезон. Именно в это время дизайнер увлекся миром моды, оставив перспективы стать рыбаком, как его отец. Или пойти по следам его дяди, который был деревенским священником. Маркиза де Каса Торрес стала покровительницей юного Баленсиаги, когда увидела, как хорошо он работает с тканью. Она направила его в Сан-Себастьян, где он стал учеником в ателье Casa Gómez и получил официальное образование по пошиву одежды. Благодаря этому испанец заслужил репутацию кутюрье, который не только умеет рисовать эскизы, но и сам может создавать свои произведения.

В начале своего творчества Кристобаль часто посещал Париж и покупал наряды Коко Шанель, Мадлен Вионне и Луизы Буланже, чтобы скопировать и подогнать их под своих клиенток. Таким образом, он изучал, из какой ткани состоит одежда, какие у нее крой и фурнитура. Именно мадам Вионне подтолкнула Баленсиагу на создание своего Дома моды, когда увидела его собственные работы.

В 1919 году он открыл модный Дом в Сан-Себастьяне под названием C. Balenciaga, а в следующем году – в Мадриде. Испанская королевская семья и аристократия носили его одежду. По словам портнихи Дома моды Баленсиаги Фелизы Сальваньяк, королева Анна считала Кристобаля величайшим человеком в мире моды.

Кристобаль Баленсиага, 1927

Кожа рептилий

Постепенно в моду возвращаются животные принты. Кожа рептилий является главным трендом летнего сезона 2022 года. Из нее могут быть выполнены не только сумки и сапоги, но и босоножки. 

Для того чтобы рисунок был полностью виден, выбирать следует модели с широким союзком. Стилисты советуют приобрести в предстоящем сезоне мюли, если их еще нет в гардеробе. Эта модель обуви, выполненная из кожи рептилий, идеально впишется почти в любой образ. 

Базовой моделью босоножек летом в 2022 году станут черные мюли из крокодиловой кожи. 

Мюли имеют закрытый носок, что делает их уникальными. Тапки без закрытой пятки можно надевать в различных случаях. Они подойдут для носки в офис, путешествия на море, прогулки в городе, поездки на дачу. 

What to Post on Instagram #5: Share Lifestyle Content

“Lifestyle content” doesn’t really fit a specific genre or category. It can be anything from a food overlay to photos of a beach at sunset — or something else entirely!

What’s important when sourcing lifestyle content for your account is that it matches your brand identity and aesthetic — as well as the interests or personality traits of your target consumer.

For example, if you’re a bathing suit brand, it wouldn’t make sense to post photos of a bleak cityscape. Instead, you should focus on sharing lifestyle content that relates back to your brand and products, like photos of people surfing:

Take a look at @faithfulthebrand for example. The Insta-famous clothing brand has mastered the art of creating the ultimate jet setter style on their feed using lifestyle content:

@artifactuprising also shares a ton of gorgeous lifestyle content — from cute interiors to cafés and nature shots — which keeps their followers engaged and has them coming back for more:

What to Post on Instagram #4: Share Your Favorite Social Media Holidays

From #NationalDonutDay to #InternationalCoffeeDay, there are TONS of social media holidays that are perfect for filling out your content calendar when you’re in a pinch!

More than that, social media holidays are great for sharing relevant, timely content that relates back to your brand and products.

Take @allbirds for example. The eco-friendly sneaker brand often shares content on important environmental dates like #WorldWaterDay:

@ghdoughnuts shared several posts this year to celebrate #NationalDonutDay and even used it as an opportunity to run an Instagram giveaway!

Regardless of what social holiday you decided to celebrate, make sure the cause is aligned with your brand’s ethos, mission, or something you playfully want to enjoy with your followers.

Just like your regular posts, your social holidays content should also bring value to your feed and be something your followers want to see and engage with.

Need some help planning your social media holiday content? We created a free social media holidays calendar for 2020 with all the important dates!

Download our free social media holidays calendar to keep up with all the holidays and big events!

How to optimize your strategy based on your Instagram Stories analytics

Here’s how to use Instagram Insights to inform a great Instagram Stories content strategy.

Find what works

Understanding how your Stories are performing over time will help you pinpoint top performing posts. If you spot photos and videos that outshine other Stories, look for ways to recreate it.

Turn successful ideas into concepts. Run polls or quizzes around different themes or spin a successful tutorial into a recurring series. For example, Culture Hijab posts regular tutorials on different ways to wear hijabs.

Source: @culturehijab

On the flip side, don’t panic if something flops. Stories are an ideal place to experiment and learn. Fortunately, if an idea doesn’t take off, it disappears in a day.

Listen to audience feedback

Qualitative data is just as important as quantitative. If you’ve used poll, quiz or question stickers to engage your audience, pay attention to responses.

Use feedback to inspire new products, services or content. And don’t be afraid to ask directly. People like having their voices heard. The LA County Museum of Art recently ran a poll that asked viewers to share what content helps them de-stress. Then it gave the people what they wanted: Cats.

Learn how people prefer to communicate with you

Between stickers, replies, and call buttons, there are lots of ways for followers to get in touch with you. But some options may be preferred over others.

Don’t ignore Replies, either. If people are sliding into your DMs, it may be time to organize your Instagram Inbox. Professional accounts have access to two-tab inboxes. Move messages between Primary and General tabs to ensure you get back to people efficiently.

Ready to start scheduling Instagram Stories and save time? Use Hootsuite to manage all your social networks (and schedule posts) from a single dashboard.

Easily create, analyze, and schedule Instagram posts and Stories with Hootsuite. Save time and get results.

Try it for Free

How to Capitalize on Your Best Time to Post on Instagram

Once you’ve discovered your unique best time to post, you can adjust your content strategy to capitalize on it.

Here are our top tips to keep in mind:

Tip #1: Schedule Your Posts for Prime Times

Scheduling your posts to be aligned with either our global best times to post data, or your personalized best times to post is your best bet for increasing your posts’ engagement and reach.

Plus, Instagram engagement has a compounding effect.

When a post gets a lot of likes, comments, and saves, that engagement will translate into Instagram bumping your post higher up on users’ feeds and potentially getting a spot on the Instagram Explore page, which, in turn, could result in even more engagement on your post.

It’s a cyclical process: higher engagement leads to more visibility, which leads to higher engagement, which leads to more visibility. But it all starts with when you post on Instagram.

Tip #2: Prioritize Your Posts

Once you know your best times to post on Instagram, you can organize your posting strategy with them in mind.

For example, you might notice that you have lower engagement during the weekend.

You’ll still want to show up and share content with your community, but you could save your most important posts for another day.

For the best results, save your biggest messages for the top engagement slots.

Tip #3: Don’t Forget Reels and Videos

We’ve mainly focused on feed posts in this blog so far, but the same rules apply to Instagram Reels and feed videos.

Publish all your content to tap into peak activity zones to give it the best chance of success.

The only slight exception to this rule is Instagram Stories, which are less time-bound due to their 24-hour lifespan. However, it still helps to post them when your audience is active and engaged.

How to Share an Instagram Post to Your Story

Sharing an Instagram post to your story is a great way to gain valuable extra exposure for your content. 

Whether you want to share your own post to your stories feed, or you’re reposting a cool piece of user-generated content, it’s super-simple to share:

  1. Tap the paper airplane icon (share button) underneath a feed post. 

  2. Select “Add Post to Your Story”. 

  3. Edit the post in your Instagram Story — you can move, rotate, scale, and tap to explore other sticker styles.

Posts shared to stories become clickable stickers — creating a direct link back to the original Instagram post. 

Plus, the original poster’s username will be clearly displayed, which is great for fairly crediting the contributors of user-generated content (UGC). 

The whole process takes less than 10 seconds.

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